Popular Science and MC'ing


My SCIENCE TALKS are suitable for teenagers and families, and are adaptable to 15 to 60 minute slots.

“Vision Impossible: The Quest to who sees Best”

Join Inés on an eye-opening visual journey through the animal kingdom in search of the organism with the best eyesight.


Contains vitreous humour, audience interaction, eye-catching simulations, and interesting and accessible information about how different animals view the world.

Format: Talk with slides. Slides are entirely visual and contain simulations of how different animals view the world.
Biology: Evolutionary trade-offs, adaptations for vision and critical thinking.
Ideal target age: 15+

“The First Rule of Flight Club: Wing it!”

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No! It’s an insect! Insects are the most diverse, and also the most misunderstood of all flying organisms – and as such Inés sets the record straight by explaining how bumblebees can actually take flight and mosquitoes can beat their wings over 1000 times per second. Learn all about the science of insect flight, and how insects have fashioned their wings in every way possible for the occasion.


Contains slow mo footage of insects and large doses of fun!

Format: Talk with slides. Slides are entirely visual, with close ups of insect wings and exclusive slow motion footage of flying animals.
Biology, engineering and biomechanics: evolutionary biology, biomechanics of flight and adaptations.
Ideal target age: 15+


A comedic set of adaptable length, from PhD woes derived from researching animal flight, to language fails to how I proved Murphy’s law whilst in school. A collection of funny anecdotes and scientific witticisms perfect to lighten the mood during stand up slots or during intervals.

Ideal run-time: 5 – 15 minutes
Ideal target age: 13+ (though laughed at and tested by 8 year olds!)